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Eee by gum, it's Yorkshire Day!
2 Min Read
01 August 2014
Eee by gum, it's Yorkshire Day!

Happy Yorkshire Day! In celebration of the distinctive culture of one of England’s finest counties (and the biggest county in the UK), here are a few things we love about Yorkshire:

I Beg Your Pardon?

As regional British dialects go, Yorkshire is one of our absolute favourite! The uninitiated ear, overhearing a conversation between locals, would be forgiven for thinking they’d been transported to foreign lands. A broad Yorkshire dialect is a joy to listen to (even if you don't understand a word!), and the dry humour of the region is wonderfully reflected in the inflections if the words. Here’s a few phrases to get you going (throw them into conversation and you’ll fit right in):

  • ‘Eee by gum: Meaning "Oh my goodness". Can apply in many scenarios, a good one to try.
  • It’s neither nowt nor summat: Something that invites indifference. "Neither nothing, nor something".
  • Tha' can allus tell a Yorkshireman, but tha can't tell 'im much!: Infers that Yorkshiremen are both easy to identify, and stubborn/obstinate.

Plus many other great words like mardy (grumpy), and yonder (over there), not to mention place names like Osmotherley and Blubberhouses. This handy Yorkshire word glossary compiled by the BBC should keep you right: http://www.bbc.co.uk/northyorkshire/voices2005/glossary/glossary.shtml


Yorkshire’s Got Talent

Yorkshire has given us many notable individuals, to name but a few: David Hockney The Bronte Sisters Helen Sharman (first British astronaut) Olympians Jessica Ennis Hill & Nicola Adams Captain James Cook William Wilberforce (social reformer instrumental in the abolition of the slave trade) Dame Judy Dench Michael Palin


Yorkshire lays claim to being the greenest area of the UK, with huge swathes of unspoiled wild landscape in the Yorkshire Dales and the North York Moors, and a joy to explore. The small towns and villages dotted across the region all offer a warm welcome and are often incredibly picturesque.


The area is really diverse too, from the brooding vast moorland, to lush green dales, to picture-postcard seasides. Of course, we do recommend seeing it on foot (honestly, it is the best way to really appreciate the fabulous landscapes), and there are lots of options. Try the Pennine Way for a challenging walk with great rewards, the Cleveland Way for woodland and coasts, or the Dales Way for stunning inland geology.


Tan Hill Inn on the Pennine Way is 1732ft above sea level, and proudly claims the title of the highest pub in the UK. Yorkshire is famous for ales, with its ale breweries producing almost 1/3 of the UK’s beer, and cosy pubs offering the perfect setting for a little sampling. Village pubs often have comfortable accommodation upstairs, which sounds pretty much like an idyllic evening packaged into one.


Yorkshire has over 2,600 ancient monuments of national importance, and 800 conservation areas! At the heart of many important ancient and modern historical developments, the region is teeming with interesting stuff to see and do, including the must-see York Minster, the largest Gothic Cathedral in Northern Europe, and the longest steam operated railway in the UK, the North Yorkshire Moors Railway. Visit http://www.yorkshire.com/what-to-do/heritage for some ideas.



According to a 2011 survey by Mintel, Yorkshire people are the happiest in Britain (despite some obviously mis-guided stereotypes to the contrary). There's a lot to love about Yorkshire, who wouldn't be happy?!

And finally......


A Yorkshireman's dog dies and as it was a favourite pet he decides to have a gold statue made by a jeweller to remember the dog by: Yorkshireman: "Can tha mek us a gold statue of yon dog?" Jeweller: "Do you want it 18 carat?" Yorkshireman: "No I want it chewin' a bone, yer daft begger!" For more information about exploring Yorkshire on foot, view our Yorkshire adventures online.

Frances McCann

Written by

Frances McCann
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