7 Photos that will make you book a flight to Spain!
One of the most passionate, friendly, and culturally rich countries anywhere in the world, Spain has an adventure waiting for all. With landscapes to die for, it's no wonder the Spanish people celebrate their lands (and the bounties of food and wine it provides) so regularly. This country loves a Fiesta! The people and the places combine to create a dream destination just waiting to be explored. If you need more inspiration to book that flight, these photos might help...
1. Even the bridges are a thing of beauty!
2. Beyond the mainland, Tenerife's interior offers so much more beyond the beaches.
3. Because...a dip in the sea cures all! 
4. Yes paella-ease!
5. Catalan colour.
6. Follow the Camino.
7. Mountain highs.
Feeling inspired to fly off to make your own photographic memories? An active holiday in Spain is the best way to see it all. Beyond the usual tourist hotspots, many adventures await. Que tengas un buen dÃa! Â

Written by
Frances McCann