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5 Reasons to walk the King Ludwig Way
2 Min Read
03 November 2017
5 Reasons to walk the King Ludwig Way

The King Ludwig Way is one of our most popular walks in Germany and I got the chance to discover why! The trails takes you through the heartland of Bavaria, you start just outside of Munich and walk right up to the border of Austria and the Austrian Alps (great views guaranteed).

The Bavarian region is where most of Germany’s stereotypes come from, think Lederhosen, Dirndl and Beer lots and lots of beer. All of these things mentioned are found in abundance in the area, so if you are a fan of any of those things I would suggest getting there asap. The reasons why this walk really stood out to me compared to other adventures I have been on are:

1. Castles

Ever wanted to explore a Disney castle, and get swept away to a different place in time then this is a must see! Neuschwanstein is the inspiration for the Castle in sleeping beauty and really is a sight to behold, a castle high up on the hill overlooking the entire region. It is a popular tourist destination and I may have been quite smug about walking 120 km to get there versus the bus loads of people who were there admiring it with me.

Selfie at Neuschwanstein Castle!

Neuschwanstein Castle

2. Churches

Baroque everything, each walking day had a church which you could admire. Most of the churches looked quite ordinary from the outside but the moment you walk it you are swallowed up by the grandeur of it all. The churches are painted in the baroque style which I found to be much lighter and more vibrant compared to other churches I have visited in the past.

Visiting Rottenbuch Church

3. Beer and Food

Beer, Meat and Starch. This is what Bavaria thrives on, Wiener Schnitzle, Wurst, potoato’s in all styles (Rosti, potato salad, knodel, whatever potato dreams you can think of) and of course Beer. Before moving on to the topic of beer I would like to say what really impressed me is how local and seasonal the food is. Everything on my plate was local, which really added to the experience! On to beer, I have to admit not being a beer connoisseur myself I was slightly overwhelmed with the choice and who knows the difference between Helles, Leicht, Weizen, Dunkles, Weizen Dunkles Bier. All the beers were brewed locally and therefore in each village you can sample different ones. I may have stuck to my Radler (beer mixed with mineral water or lemonade), but my walking partner tried all the beer and decided that the Augustiner beer was the best one (most of the locals agreed with him, if that doesn’t make it true I am not sure what else would).

Meat & Knodel


Enjoying a Wurst & Radler after a long walking day!


I have to be honest, I did not expect to be blown away by the views on this trip (despite this region being considered one of the most scenic in central Europe), I was so very wrong about my preconceived notion. The views were fantastic, and they completely blew me away. I was eased into it. Starting in Starnberg you feel quite far away from the Bavarian Alps (and the famous Zugspitze) as you wind your way through pasture and woodlands as day by day you keep creeping closer till boom on your final day they are there right in your face and I loved it!

Enjoying the views this trip has to offer!

Walking from Wildsteig to Buching

5. Tradition

Bavarian is all the German stereotypes in one region, hello Lederhosen, Drindl and Beer. I always believed that it was a little over exaggerated but again I was wrong. I have never seen so many Drindl’s and Lederhosen in one place, they are all worn with pride and you can feel how the region is steeped in tradition. Bavarians see themselves as Bavarian first and secondly as Germans and when speaking with the locals they are proud of their traditions and roots.

Typical House in Bavaria

The King Ludwig Way took me completely by surprise, and I owe the region I sincere apology, as I knew it was going to be nice but I didn’t realise how nice! I will travel there in the future again! I hope this has inspired you to consider Bavarian as your next travel destination and if you have any questions just drop me and email :).


Minna Harshbarger

Written by

Minna Harshbarger
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